How to fry correctly with these expert tips

How to fry correctly with these expert tips

Cook at times it can be a little intimidating. Fire, flammable products and sharp objects could scare any cooking enthusiast. The reality is that there is nothing to fear, but much to learn. TO greater knowledge, greater confidence in your skills. Therefore, we share these valuable tips on how to fry and do it correctly.

How to fry properly

Fry it's a type of cooking in which a food is introduced partially or completely in some type of grease at high temperatures. The result of this type of cooking causes the texture of food a change in its compositionwell it becomes more hard, crunchy and colored golden.

tips for frying correctly

Photo: Frying is a traditional cooking method in which high temperatures and fat are used to cook/ Pixabay

It's a cooking method very popular that has been around for years. Per se, fry or fryis a process in which The food is dried through hot fat. In this frying process there is a phenomenon that It's called heat transferin which water comes out and oil comes in to the product, causing even cooking inside and out of the food.

It is possible to have extensive organoleptic benefits (which are distinguished with the senses) as a more caramel flavor (Maillard reaction), texture crispy and nice, as well as greater versatility to combine them with other ingredients.

Types of fried foods

how to deep fry

Photo: Deep frying involves completely submerging in fat/ Pixabay

It is when you fry a food in abundant fatthat is, deep frying is when you completely submerge a food in fat and you cook it at one high temperature. You get a uniform cooking throughout the product. It is generally used for flouredbreaded, directly on the food and battered. It is generally done in large fryers or deep fryers.

What is shallow frying and how to fry properly

Photo: Superficial or partial frying is when little fat is used to cook the product, it is ideal for playing with the textures of foods/ Pixabay

Also known as partial frying, is the one in which it is used little fatty material and you have a light surface cooking. It is usually used in frying pans. shallow depth and It is not very invasive for the product. In Mexico it is usually known as sauté or sauté.

how to sauté

Photo: Sautéing is a French cooking method that became popular in Asian countries, it is used with little fat and very high temperatures/ Pixabay

Although it is not a type of frying, it has many similarities with the superficial frying. The small difference lies in the constant movement of food. Sautéing is a technique of French origin, in which foods are cooked with little amount of fat over very high heatbut constantly motion. It provides moisture, color and flavor.

What is the smoke point and why do I have to be careful?

He smoke point is the limit temperature in which a oil or any fat Begin to decompose. When an oil exceeds this smoke point, it release harmful compounds and unpleasant flavors.

It is called the smoke point, because once the fat or oil is broken down, starts releasing smoke, which is very dangerous. Fry foods in this type of products, It can only affect your health.

What is the smoke point and how does it affect frying?

Photo: When frying you must be very careful with the smoke point of the fat or oil you use, it can harm you if you do not do it correctly/ Pixabay

At elevated temperatures, fats and oils release compounds as the acroleina aldehyde which can cause cancer in the long term either birth defects. It is important to prevent fatty oils and glycerol in oils from being hydrolyzed, as they are very dangerous for health.

To avoid it It is important to follow the instructions on how to fry properly, not only to create great tasting, but healthy products. Without a doubt, the temperature of the oil or fat also plays a leading role.

Types of fats that can be used for frying

properties of olive oil

Photo: olive oil is the most recommended and healthy/ Pixabay

Like all foods, Fried products should not be consumed in excess. You can consume fried products in a balanced diet. But cooking them correctly will be essential. Every oil or fat it has own instructions of use, mainly to maximum temperature to avoid the spot of smoke.

  • Sunflower oil: It is light and has a low smoke point (107°C). Ideal for shallow frying.
  • Canola oil: low in saturated fat and with a moderate smoke point (204°C).
  • Avocado oil: the refined one has the highest smoke point (271°C)so it is ideal for deep frying.
  • Coconut oil: great flavor that completely impregnates the food you prepare, with a high smoke point (232°C)but it is not recommended for deep frying.
  • Corn oil: product with moderate smoke point (178°C) and ideal for surface frying.
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil: very low smoke point (160°C) not recommended for deep frying.
  • Pomace Olive Oil: light and with great flavor, moderate smoke point of (238°C).
  • Lard: Possibly the one that adds the most flavor to cooking, but with a very low smoke point (182°C)it is important not to use for deep frying.

What temperature should my fat or oil be for frying?

The ideal temperature Recommended for frying is between 175°C and 185°C. The exact point to obtain the expected results is at 180°C, below this amount you have the risk that food They take time to fry and absorb more oil.

how to fry an empanada

Photo: Deep fried empanada/ Pixabay

Although there are oils that support high temperatures (240°C) without burning yourself, it is advisable to do it at 180°C well reduces the likelihood of destabilizing the oil.

It is important to keep in mind that if you are going to fry large amounts of food in deep frying, have pieces of the same size, so that the oil or grease cover every part of the food and have one even cooking.

Tips for healthy frying

practical tips for frying properly

Photo: Follow these tips and eat any type of fried food in a healthy and responsible way/ Pixabay

  1. Use of healthy fats: We recommend using olive oil for shallow frying and avocado oil for deep frying.
  2. Control the temperature: Having absolute control of the temperature will help control the egg point and in turn prevent the oils from radicalizing.
  3. Replace: Renew the oil every two batches, try not to use it repeatedly. Use it twice at most and throw it away.
  4. Do not Renew: Do not try to add new oil to the one already used, they should not be mixed.
  5. Moderation: Fried products, for obvious reasons, contain high amounts of added fats. They are also high energy density products, that is, since they are processed foods and are consumed regularly in a diet, they are harmful to health. It favors overweight and cardiovascular diseases.
  6. Remove excess: With the help of a napkin or kitchen paper, eliminate the grease residue in your frying.

Now you are more than ready. With this practical guide on how to fry and How to use oil correctly, you can prepare all kinds of delicious fried foods. Remember that it is always important maintain a balanced diet and balanceddon't restrict yourself, but don't abuse it and that will help you stay healthy.

Try these recommendations and advice With our churros recipe. Find it on our channel Youtubealong with great ideas and notes to continue learning.

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